Titel (eng)

2010‐2011 Annual Monitoring Review on Migration, Employment and Labour Market Integration of Migrants and Research Question on Access to Labour Market Information ‐ Austria: Report of the National Expert in Austria to the IOM Independent Network of Labour Migration & Integration Experts (LINET)


Gudrun Biffl   Donau-Universität Krems


Edition Donau‐Universität Krems

Beschreibung (eng)

The Austrian IOM LINET report focuses on the economic recovery after the economic crisis
of 2009, and the impact on migration and the labour market. An introductory section provides
an overview of the objectives of the report. In the following section of the report data on
migration and the labour market are analysed. Thereafter the role of institutional factors, in
particular the Austria-specific social partnership model, for the labour market outcome of
migrants and natives is pointed out.
The definitions used are in line with the methodology of the EC Employment in Europe
reports. Migrants are defined as persons residing in Austria who have non-Austrian
citizenship. The study differentiates between EU-citizens and citizens of third-countries1, in
addition also country of birth, where available.
The report draws on research results of different disciplines in Austria and on EU level,
documenting the role of migration in the socio-economic development model of Austria and
the impact on labour market outcomes.

Sprache des Objekts





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Mitglied in der/den Collection(s) (1)

o:136 Jg. 4 (2012): Schriftenreihe Migration und Globalisierung
