Description (en)
In 2009, the economic crisis reduced the inflow of foreigners to Austria to 91, 800 (-2,900 or
3.1%). 26 percent came from the old EU-MS, in the main Germany; about as many came from
EU10 and EU2 and 45% from third countries. 11 percent came from the former region of
Yugoslavia (with a majority share of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro), 4.7 percent from
Turkey, and 10 percent from Asia. As in previous years, fairly small numbers come from
overseas countries in Africa (3.6 percent), America (3.9 percent) and Oceania (0.4 percent).
At the same time outflows of foreigners increased slightly to 66,700, resulting in net migration
of +25,700, 13,700 or 35% less than in 2008.