Titel (eng)

Adult Educational Development for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities: Project report, funded by the European Commission as part of the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme.


Gudrun Biffl   Donau-Universität Krems


Edition Donau‐Universität Krems

Beschreibung (eng)

This report is the outcome of the monitoring, scientific guidance and evaluation of 24 months
of development of learning modules for distant mature age learners of disadvantaged
migrant background and the ethnic minority of Roma. The report presents the work of partner
institutions in 5 countries - Austria, Germany, France, Romania and Slovakia -, the scientific
input from two universities, the University of Vienna (Department of Sociology) and the
Danube University Krems (Department of Migration and Globalisation), the design skills of the
University of Applied Science Düsseldorf, and the coordinating efforts and intercultural
competences of Verein Multikulturell in Tirol, Austria.
The report is based on the participation in the five partner meetings, the project
documentation and discussion of outputs and results of the ENTER process with the partner
institutions and the analysis of a questionnaire handed out to the implementing partners at
the final partner meeting in Stuttgart in September 2009.

Sprache des Objekts





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Mitglied in der/den Collection(s) (1)

o:103 Jg. 1 (2009): Schriftenreihe Migration und Globalisierung
