Comparative Report, Project Result 1 - Country context analysis: availability and infrastructure of informal learning spaces. Report produced as a project outcome of the project NIILS - New Approaches for Inclusive Informal Learning Spaces.
University for Continuing Education Krems
University for Continuing Education Krems
University for Continuing Education Krems
University for Continuing Education Krems
The NIILS Comparative Report provides a synthesis of the findings of the NIILS Country Context Reports, elaborated by the partner universities of the NIILS project: Akdeniz University (Antalya, Türkiye; AKD), Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (Berlin, Deutschland; HTWB), Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania; MRU), Sapienza University (Rome, Italy; SAP), and University for Continuing Education Krems (Krems, Austria; UWK). It also refers to the European context with regard to the current development of informal learning spaces (ILS) in higher education. This report presents the findings of the research collected on (technologically enhanced) informal and non-conventional learning environments regarding:
a) “State of the art” in five partner countries: existing networks, stakeholder communities, previous projects, tools, and guidance material addressing and dealing with informal and non-conventional learning spaces
b) Spatial characteristics, availability, accessibility, equipment, and infrastructure of informal and non-conventional learning spaces provided by the partner universities
c) Awareness and existing strategies of university administration and other stakeholders to promote inclusive and supportive technologically enhanced informal and non-conventional learning environments and to mitigate existing inequalities.
Following parts shed light on the context in five countries and partner universities concerning higher education system and inclusive and informal learning spaces. It is followed by the description of universities in terms of physical characteristics of the campus and building infrastructure with special attention to informal learning spaces and the last part presents the findings of the focus group interviews conducted with the key stakeholders of the partner universities.
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