Title (eng)

BUILD UP Skills – Austria: Analysis on the National Status Quo. Education and Training for Achieving the Energy and Climate Targets in the Austrian Building Sector.


Christina Ipser   University of Continuing Education Krems

Naghmeh Altmann-Mavaddat   Austrian Energy Agency

Susanne Bruner-Lienhart   Energie Agentur Steiermark GmbH

Alexander Ebner   Energie Agentur Steiermark GmbH

David Frick   Energie Agentur Steiermark GmbH

Susanne Geissler   SERA — Institute for Sustainable Energy and Resources Availability

Karin Gugitscher   Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung

Norbert Lachmayr   Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung

Martin Mayerl   Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung

Corina Pacher   Graz University of Technology

Gregor Radinger   University of Continuing Education Krems

Katharina Rieger   Graz University of Technology

Elisabeth Sibille   Austrian Energy Agency

Georg Trnka   Austrian Energy Agency


  Department for Building and Environment at University for Continuing Education Krems

Description (eng)

The present status quo analysis contains the necessary basics relevant for the development of a national education and training roadmap to achieve the energy and climate targets in the building sector in Austria. They refer to information about the current state of the energy policy and legal framework and the status quo of the Austrian building sector, the existing framework conditions in education and training as well as the results of an evaluation of the implementation of the national roadmap until 2020. It also examines skills and qualification gaps as well as possible barriers and opportunities related to the qualification of professionals in the building sector, which could support or hinder the achievement of energy and climate targets in this field. A range of methods was used to prepare the report, including literature and desktop research, internal working meetings, interviews and workshops with experts, practitioners and stakeholders from the fields of construction and property, education and training, as well as labor market research. For quality assurance, interim results were continually reviewed. The existing framework conditions presented in the status quo analysis as well as the identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats form the basis for the development of targeted strategies and measures in the field of education and training to achieve the energy and climate targets in the Austrian building sector.

Additional information: https://rebusk.at/

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