Titel (eng)

Single molecule studies of dynamic platelet interactions with endothelial cells


Fabian Hauser   University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Christoph Naderer   University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Jarislaw Jacak   University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Michael B. Fischer   University for Continuing Education Krems

et al.


Frontiers Media S.A.

Beschreibung (eng)

A biotechnological platform consisting of two-color 3D super-resolution readout and a microfluidic system was developed to investigate platelet interaction with a layer of perfused endothelial cells under flow conditions. Platelet activation has been confirmed via CD62P clustering on the membrane and mitochondrial morphology of ECs at the single cell level were examined using 3D two-color single-molecule localization microscopy and classified applying machine learning. To compare binding of activated platelets to intact or stressed ECs, a femtosecond laser was used to induced damage to single ECs within the perfused endothelial layer. We observed that activated platelets bound to the perfused ECs layer preferentially in the proximity to single stressed ECs. Platelets activated under flow were ∼6 times larger compared to activated ones under static conditions. The CD62P expression indicated more CD62P proteins on membrane of dynamically activated platelets, with a tendency to higher densities at the platelet/EC interface. Platelets activated under static conditions showed a less pronounced CD62P top/bottom asymmetry. The clustering of CD62P in the platelet membrane differs depending on the activation conditions. Our results confirm that nanoscopic analysis using two-color 3D super-resolution technology can be used to assess platelet interaction with a stressed endothelium under dynamic conditions.

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